
Monday, May 30, 2016

Cookie Table Party Favors

Cookies made by the bride's family are a tradition in some Italian families. When my part-Italian daughter married her part-Italian groom, I knew I wanted to ask my mostly-Italian family to bake cookies. They agreed and our cookie table was a hit.

I began collecting glass platters from thrift stores until I had enough. Little berry baskets lined with tissue were the perfect way for each guest to select their cookies to take home. You can find the berry baskets here in several sizes. Happened to have a lot of cream and brown zebra tissue left over from my retail shop - and with a bohemian style wedding, it fit right in.  I also cut little square sheets of tan tissue for guests to grab their cookies with and to put on top of the basket (like a lid.)

The cookie table being set-up on wedding day
You can guess, if you have read my other wedding posts, that I do not have a photo of the cookie table with the cookies!

A small berry basket, lined with tissue, for taking cookies home

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